AM&T commenced its operations as a specialist marine and transit underwriting agency on behalf of Allianz Australia Insurance Limited 9 years ago this month.
AM&T was able to grow their team of ‘Marinos’ quickly – a team with a deep passion and expertise for all things marine. The combined ingredients of the security of Allianz Australia Insurance Limited and the niche market specialisation and passion of the AM&T team make AM&T the perfect marine partner for brokers across Australia.
Congratulations to the team for 9 years of success. The photos are of our first official function that took place in August 2012, some fresh-faced and eager young hopefuls about to embark on a new journey – can you spot anyone you recognise?
As we head towards our 10th anniversary, we look forward to planning a face-to-face celebration with our team and the valued broker partners who have worked with us throughout the years.